使用 Planemo 进行 Galaxy 工具开发
说明:本文章原文发布于 《使用 Planemo 进行 Galaxy 工具开发 - 语雀》,部分内容已更新。
文章开始前,我们先了解一下 Planemo 到底是个什么东西。
Command-line utilities to assist in developing Galaxy and Common Workflow Language artifacts - including tools, workflows, and training materials.
说白了,Planemo 就是用于 Galaxy 平台工具和 WDL 通用工作流语言相关产品辅助开发的一个命令行工具,这个程序集可以用于工具、流程,以及培训教材的开发。
安装 Planemo¶
无论是 pip 还是 conda 都可以安装 Planemo:
$ pip install planemo
$ pip install -U git+git://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo.git
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install planemo
接下来,进入今天的正题,我们来详细介绍一下怎么使用 Planemo 进行 Galaxy 工具开发。
本指南将演示如何使用 Heng Li 的 Seqtk
软件包构建命令工具,该软件包用于处理 FASTA 和 FASTQ 文件中的序列数据。
首先,我们需要先安装 Seqtk
。在这里,我们使用 conda
来安装 Seqtk
$ conda install --force --yes -c conda-forge -c bioconda seqtk=1.2
... seqtk installation ...
$ seqtk seq
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
,该命令将 FASTQ 文件转换为 FASTA。
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-test-data/master/2.fastq
$ seqtk seq -A 2.fastq > 2.fasta
$ cat 2.fasta
Galaxy 工具文件只是 XML 文件,因此此时可以打开文本编辑器并开始编写工具。Planemo 有一个命令 tool_init
可以快速生成一些样板 XML,因此首先开始。
$ planemo tool_init --id 'seqtk_seq' --name 'Convert to FASTA (seqtk)'
命令可以采用各种复杂的参数,但如上面展示的 --id
和 --name
是其中两个最基本的参数。每个 Galaxy 工具都需要一个 ID(这是 Galaxy 自身用来标识该工具的简短标识符)和一个名称(此名称会显示给 Galaxy 用户,并且应该是该工具的简短描述)。工具名称可以包含空格,但其 ID 不能包含空格。
上面的命令将生成一个 seqtk_seq.xml 文件,这个文件看起来像这样:
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
TODO: Fill in command template.
TODO: Fill in help.
命令也可以做得更好。 们可以使用在 seqtk seq -a 2.fastq> 2.fasta
$ planemo tool_init --force \
--id 'seqtk_seq' \
--name 'Convert to FASTA (seqtk)' \
--requirement seqtk@1.2 \
--example_command 'seqtk seq -a 2.fastq > 2.fasta' \
--example_input 2.fastq \
--example_output 2.fasta
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq -a '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
TODO: Fill in help.
seqtk seq
会为 seq
命令生成帮助消息。 tool_init
可以获取该帮助消息,并使用 help_from_command
选项将其正确粘贴在生成的工具 XML 文件中。
以下 Planemo 的 tool_init
的调用已增强为使用 --help_from_command
$ planemo tool_init --force \
--id 'seqtk_seq' \
--name 'Convert to FASTA (seqtk)' \
--requirement seqtk@1.2 \
--example_command 'seqtk seq -a 2.fastq > 2.fasta' \
--example_input 2.fastq \
--example_output 2.fasta \
--test_case \
--cite_url 'https://github.com/lh3/seqtk' \
--help_from_command 'seqtk seq'
除了演示 --help_from_command
之外,这还演示了使用 --test_case
从我们的示例生成测试用例并为基础工具添加引用。生成的工具 XML 文件为:
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq -a '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
<param name="input1" value="2.fastq"/>
<output name="output1" file="2.fasta"/>
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
-U convert all bases to uppercases
-S strip of white spaces in sequences
<citation type="bibtex">
author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
year = {TODO},
title = {seqtk},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
url = {https://github.com/lh3/seqtk},
至此,我们有了一个功能相当齐全的 Galaxy 工具,它带有测试和帮助。这是一个非常简单的示例——通常,您需要在工具中投入更多工作才能实现这一点, tool_init
现在让我们检查并测试我们开发的工具。Planemo的 lint
(或仅 l
)命令将检查工具的 XML 有效性,检查是否有明显的错误以及是否符合 IUC 的最佳做法。
$ planemo l
Linting tool /opt/galaxy/tools/seqtk_seq.xml
Applying linter tests... CHECK
.. CHECK: 1 test(s) found.
Applying linter output... CHECK
.. INFO: 1 outputs found.
Applying linter inputs... CHECK
.. INFO: Found 1 input parameters.
Applying linter help... CHECK
.. CHECK: Tool contains help section.
.. CHECK: Help contains valid reStructuredText.
Applying linter general... CHECK
.. CHECK: Tool defines a version [0.1.0].
.. CHECK: Tool defines a name [Convert to FASTA (seqtk)].
.. CHECK: Tool defines an id [seqtk_seq].
.. CHECK: Tool targets 16.01 Galaxy profile.
Applying linter command... CHECK
.. INFO: Tool contains a command.
Applying linter citations... CHECK
.. CHECK: Found 1 likely valid citations.
Applying linter tool_xsd... CHECK
.. INFO: File validates against XML schema.
会在您当前的工作目录中找到所有工具,但是我们可以使用 planemo lint seqtk_seq.xml
接下来,我们可以使用 test
(或仅执行 t
)命令运行工具的功能测试。这将打印很多输出(因为它启动了 Galaxy 实例),但最终应该显示我们通过的一项测试。
如果你的服务器已经安装了 Galaxy 实例,你可以编辑 ~/.planemo.yml 文件,指定 Galaxy 实例路径。
## Specify a default galaxy_root for the `test` and `serve` commands here.
galaxy_root: /home/user/galaxy
$ planemo t
All 1 test(s) executed passed.
seqtk_seq[0]: passed
,在某些持续集成环境中很有用。有关更多选项,请参见 planemo test --help
,以及 test_reports
现在,我们可以使用 serve
(或仅使用 s
)命令打开 Galaxy。
$ planemo s
serving on
在网络浏览器中打开 以查看您的新工具。
服务和测试可以通过各种命令行参数传递,例如 --galaxy_root
,以指定要使用的 Galaxy 实例(默认情况下,planemo 将仅为 planemo 下载和管理实例)。
我们为 seqtk seq
命令构建了一个工具包的封装,但是该工具实际上具有我们可能希望向 Galaxy 用户公开的其他选项。
让我们从 help
命令中获取一些参数,并构建 Galaxy 的 param
块以粘贴到该工具的 input
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
在上一节中,我们看到了输入文件在 param
块中是一个 data
的类型,除此之外我们还可以使用许多不同种类的参数。如标志参数(例如以上 -V
参数),通常在 Galaxy 工具的 XML 文件中由 boolean
<param name="shift_quality" type="boolean" label="Shift quality"
truevalue="-V" falsevalue=""
help="shift quality by '(-Q) - 33' (-V)" />
粘贴在 command
块中,如果用户选择了此选项,它将扩展为 -V
(因为我们已将其定义为 truevalue
)。如果用户未选择此选项,则 $shift_quality
现在考虑以下的 seqtk seq
-q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
这些可以转换为 Galaxy 参数,如下所示:
<param name="quality_min" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality lower than"
value="0" min="0" max="255" help="(-q)" />
<param name="quality_max" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality higher than"
value="255" min="0" max="255" help="(-X)" />
这些可以作为 -q $quality_min -X $quality_max
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq
-q $quality_min
-X $quality_max
-a '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<param name="shift_quality" type="boolean" label="Shift quality"
truevalue="-V" falsevalue=""
help="shift quality by '(-Q) - 33' (-V)" />
<param name="quality_min" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality lower than"
value="0" min="0" max="255" help="(-q)" />
<param name="quality_max" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality higher than"
value="255" min="0" max="255" help="(-X)" />
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
<param name="input1" value="2.fastq"/>
<output name="output1" file="2.fasta"/>
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
-U convert all bases to uppercases
<citation type="bibtex">
author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
year = {TODO},
title = {seqtk},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
url = {https://github.com/lh3/seqtk},
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
我们可以通过添加属性 optional ="true"
<param name="mask_regions" type="data" label="Mask regions in BED"
format="bed" help="(-M)" optional="true" />
然后,不仅可以直接在命令块中使用 $mask_regions
,还可以将其包装在 if
语句中(因为工具 XML 文件支持 Cheetah)。
#if $mask_regions
-M '$mask_regions'
#end if
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
在这种情况下,只有在设置了样本参数的情况下,才能看到或使用 -s
随机种子参数。我们可以使用 conditional
<conditional name="sample">
<param name="sample_selector" type="boolean" label="Sample fraction of sequences" />
<when value="true">
<param name="fraction" label="Fraction" type="float" value="1.0"
help="(-f)" />
<param name="seed" label="Random seed" type="integer" value="11"
help="(-s)" />
<when value="false">
在命令块中,我们可以再次使用 if
#if $sample.sample_selector
-f $sample.fraction -s $sample.seed
#end if
注意,我们必须使用 sample.
的前缀来引用这个参数,因为它们是在 sample
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq
-q $quality_min
-X $quality_max
#if $mask_regions
-M '$mask_regions'
#end if
#if $sample.sample
-f $sample.fraction
-s $sample.seed
#end if
-a '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<param name="shift_quality" type="boolean" label="Shift quality"
truevalue="-V" falsevalue=""
help="shift quality by '(-Q) - 33' (-V)" />
<param name="quality_min" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality lower than"
value="0" min="0" max="255" help="(-q)" />
<param name="quality_max" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality higher than"
value="255" min="0" max="255" help="(-X)" />
<param name="mask_regions" type="data" label="Mask regions in BED"
format="bed" help="(-M)" optional="true" />
<conditional name="sample">
<param name="sample" type="boolean" label="Sample fraction of sequences" />
<when value="true">
<param name="fraction" label="Fraction" type="float" value="1.0"
help="(-f)" />
<param name="seed" label="Random seed" type="integer" value="11"
help="(-s)" />
<when value="false">
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
<param name="input1" value="2.fastq"/>
<output name="output1" file="2.fasta"/>
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
-U convert all bases to uppercases
<citation type="bibtex">
author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
year = {TODO},
title = {seqtk},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
url = {https://github.com/lh3/seqtk},
使用惯用法,更新此工具后的 XML 如下所示:
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq
#if $settings.advanced == "advanced"
-q $settings.quality_min
-X $settings.quality_max
#if $settings.mask_regions
-M '$settings.mask_regions'
#end if
#if $settings.sample.sample
-f $settings.sample.fraction
-s $settings.sample.seed
#end if
#end if
-a '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<conditional name="settings">
<param name="advanced" type="select" label="Specify advanced parameters">
<option value="simple" selected="true">No, use program defaults.</option>
<option value="advanced">Yes, see full parameter list.</option>
<when value="simple">
<when value="advanced">
<param name="shift_quality" type="boolean" label="Shift quality"
truevalue="-V" falsevalue=""
help="shift quality by '(-Q) - 33' (-V)" />
<param name="quality_min" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality lower than"
value="0" min="0" max="255" help="(-q)" />
<param name="quality_max" type="integer" label="Mask bases with quality higher than"
value="255" min="0" max="255" help="(-X)" />
<param name="mask_regions" type="data" label="Mask regions in BED"
format="bed" help="(-M)" optional="true" />
<conditional name="sample">
<param name="sample" type="boolean" label="Sample fraction of sequences" />
<when value="true">
<param name="fraction" label="Fraction" type="float" value="1.0"
help="(-f)" />
<param name="seed" label="Random seed" type="integer" value="11"
help="(-s)" />
<when value="false">
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
<param name="input1" value="2.fastq"/>
<output name="output1" file="2.fasta"/>
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
-U convert all bases to uppercases
<citation type="bibtex">
author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
year = {TODO},
title = {seqtk},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
url = {https://github.com/lh3/seqtk},
Tool Shed 上已经提供了许多常见的生物信息学应用程序,因此一项常见的开发任务是将各种复杂程度的脚本集成到 Galaxy 中。
考虑以下小型 Perl 脚本。
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# usage : perl toolExample.pl <FASTA file> <output file>
open (IN, "<$ARGV[0]");
open (OUT, ">$ARGV[1]");
while (<IN>) {
if (m/^>/) {
if ($. > 1) {
print OUT sprintf("%.3f", $gc/$length) . "\n";
$gc = 0;
$length = 0;
} else {
++$gc while m/[gc]/ig;
$length += length $_;
print OUT sprintf("%.3f", $gc/$length) . "\n";
close( IN );
close( OUT );
可以按照以下步骤为此脚本构建 Galaxy 工具,并将脚本与工具 XML 文件本身放在同一目录中。这里的特殊值 $__ tool_directory__
是指工具(即 xml 文件)所在的目录。
<tool id="gc_content" name="Compute GC content">
<description>for each sequence in a file</description>
<command>perl '$__tool_directory__/gc_content.pl' '$input' output.tsv</command>
<param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="Source file"/>
<data name="output" format="tabular" from_work_dir="output.tsv" />
This tool computes GC content from a FASTA file.
Macros 宏集¶
如果您希望为单个相对简单的应用程序或脚本编写工具,则应跳过本节。如果您希望维护一系列相关工具——经验表明,您将意识到有很多重复的 XML 可以很好地做到这一点。Galaxy工具 XML 宏可以帮助减少这种重复。
通过使用 --macros
标志,Planemo 的 tool_init
命令可用于生成适合工具套件的宏文件。我们看一下以前的 tool_init
命令的变体(唯一的区别是现在我们添加了 --macros
$ planemo tool_init --force \
--macros \
--id 'seqtk_seq' \
--name 'Convert to FASTA (seqtk)' \
--requirement seqtk@1.2 \
--example_command 'seqtk seq -A 2.fastq > 2.fasta' \
--example_input 2.fastq \
--example_output 2.fasta \
--test_case \
--help_from_command 'seqtk seq'
和 macros.xml
<tool id="seqtk_seq" name="Convert to FASTA (seqtk)" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="3.5">
<expand macro="requirements" />
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
seqtk seq -A '$input1' > '$output1'
<param type="data" name="input1" format="fastq" />
<data name="output1" format="fasta" />
<param name="input1" value="2.fastq"/>
<output name="output1" file="2.fasta"/>
Usage: seqtk seq [options] <in.fq>|<in.fa>
Options: -q INT mask bases with quality lower than INT [0]
-X INT mask bases with quality higher than INT [255]
-n CHAR masked bases converted to CHAR; 0 for lowercase [0]
-l INT number of residues per line; 0 for 2^32-1 [0]
-Q INT quality shift: ASCII-INT gives base quality [33]
-s INT random seed (effective with -f) [11]
-f FLOAT sample FLOAT fraction of sequences [1]
-M FILE mask regions in BED or name list FILE [null]
-L INT drop sequences with length shorter than INT [0]
-c mask complement region (effective with -M)
-r reverse complement
-A force FASTA output (discard quality)
-C drop comments at the header lines
-N drop sequences containing ambiguous bases
-1 output the 2n-1 reads only
-2 output the 2n reads only
-V shift quality by '(-Q) - 33'
-U convert all bases to uppercases
-S strip of white spaces in sequences
<expand macro="citations" />
<xml name="requirements">
<requirement type="package" version="1.2">seqtk</requirement>
<xml name="citations">
<yield />
如您在上面的代码中所看到的,宏是可重用的 XML 块,它们使避免重复和保持 XML 简洁变得更加容易。
- Macros syntax on the Galaxy Wiki.
- GATK tools (example tools making extensive use of macros)
- gemini tools (example tools making extensive use of macros)
- bedtools tools (example tools making extensive use of macros)
- Macros implementation details - Pull Request #129 and Pull Request #140
- Galaxy’s Tool XML Syntax
- Big List of Tool Development Resources
- Cheetah templating